
New banner

Where has all the time gone?! I barely have time to update this blog anymore. I promise to keep it going though. In an effort to keep things current, I decided to retire the old banner and update it a bit. So say goodbye to the old…


and welcome the updated one!


Like a lot of other orphans, the twins have had a rough start to their first years, with the possibility of being separated from each other. However that’s not going to happen and they will now grow up happily together with us.

We’re all doing great and have been home a month already. I’ll post an update later this week.

2 clicked here to comment!:

The McEacherns said...

Nice update! Can't wait to hear the report later this week!

Dave Baldacchino said...

Thanks! We're also keeping an eye on your blog. Hope you get a travel date soon!